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Business People’s Breakfast

The audio is available to listen online or download with notes.

  1. Welcome….  Thanks to the caters… take an offering to help cover expenses
  2. Purpose of the breakfast: To talk about Kingdom economy – work and money – in relation to the scriptures, personal financial health and our church belonging.
  3. My basic assumptions in calling this meeting and giving this input: 
    1. Pastoral responsibility: I’m giving leadership in regard to finances because I’m your pastor and will account to God one day for you (Heb 13:17)
    2. My disclaimer: I confess and repent of the shameful financial manipulation, control and excesses, of many of my kind – “leaders” – spiritual and political
    3. Wholistic discipleship to Jesus: What we discuss regarding following Jesus in work and money is not achievable unless it’s integrated into an intentional journey of healing and growth – spiritually, psycho-emotionally, relationally (family, church, work).  We cannot deal with work and finances in isolation; we cannot heal economic brokenness separate from other brokenness
  4. Work & Financial Struggle: The (inter)national recession and the challenges we all face personally and as a church – we need to build a strong church economy – to care for our families (1 Tim 5:8), for one another as church (Gal 6:10) and for the poor
  5. Towards a Biblical Vision of Financial Health in Following Jesus:

    1. Vision: To hold forth a compelling vision of financial health and strength
    2. Values: To teach and impart (lay the foundation of) the biblical theology and praxis of Kingdom economy, i.e. work (occupation) and financial health
    3. Equipping: To equip every member of Following Jesus with regular work and the financial disciplines to become financially healthy
    4. Pastoring: Besides equipping, to pastor (grow, correct, challenge, pray for) our people economically, especially those who are wealthy, who are gifted to give, to make money, do business, create jobs (Rom 12:8; 1 Tim 6:9-10, 17-19) 
    5. To establish a Business Ministry: Identify, recruit and train a few potential leaders who have calling and gifting in this area – to form a team and launch a business ministry in our church to help our people.
    6. That it may overflow into a ‘mission vision’: to help the poor and needy
  6. Towards a Plan for Personal Financial Health:

    1. Decide to develop a plan: Adopt a medium and long term vision and plan
    2. GET OUT OF DEBT – set your goal to live debt free: What is your plan?
    3. LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS – develop a monthly budget and discipline yourself and your family into living within that budget.
    4. Work diligently and honestly for the glory of God (Col 3:22-24)
    5. Give to God regularly: Giving is an acknowledgement of ownership, an act of worship (God owns you and all you have – he gave it all) Give your “tithes & offerings” to the local church – the elders are responsible (Acts 4:37)  
    6. And save some money every month: budget savings for future needs
    7. Hold yourself accountable: to work on this proposed plan for financial health, find an elder/mentor to whom you hold yourself accountable.

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