Thanks to my family and friends for your prayers for Gill and I, and our children. I am flying to Norway tonight to do ministry in Kristiansand and Larvik.
The Kristiansand part will be a pastors gathering on this Thursday and Friday (25-26 Aug), and the public conference will start on Friday night, then two sessions on Saturday and two services on Sunday. The conference will be on “Intimacy with God and Others”. I am taking the verse from 1John 4:20 as the key text in an adapted version:
‘How can you say, “I am intimate with God” whom you do not see,
when you are not intimate with your brother or sister whom you do see’
And I will be looking at what intimacy is, how intimacy in relationship with God and others develops, and what blockages we need to deal with that prevent authentic spiritual and psycho-emotional intimacy from happening. Many people fear intimacy or think its sexual. But warm, whole, tender, compassionate people are a great means of healing in our broken and alienated world. We need to learn intimacy with God and one another to experience the “oneness” that Jesus prayed for in John 17.
Then I go to Larvik on Monday and do two sessions with the church there, plus I meet with the ministers fraternal that Svanhild (who is pastoring the Vineyard in Larvik) has invited me to.
So I would appreciate your prayers that God may keep me safe, that my health would be strong, and that his Spirit would give great authority to his preached Word, and that he would confirm God’s Word with signs and wonders following! AND that God will keep Gill and Zander and Misha safe while I am away. Thanks!! And God bless you!!