Introduction to “Doing Healing” series on Vimeo OnDemand – click here to learn more….
The remarkable and miraculous healing ministry of Jesus was an enactment of his Kingdom coming in power to defeat sickness in all its forms. Jesus imparted and entrusted his Kingdom healing ministry to his Church, to change our communities and cities, to the ends of the earth. This course will equip followers of Jesus and local churches (and their healing ministry teams) in both the theology AND practice of how to minister wholistic healing in the Spirit’s power.
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“Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house, who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old” (Matthew 13:52)
Bundle of ‘Doing Healing’ Teachings$7.99 – $14.99
Doing Healing: How to Minister God’s Kingdom in the Power of the Spirit (Softcover)$14.99
Doing Healing: How to Minister God’s Kingdom in the Power of the Spirit (Kindle eBook)$12.99
Doing Healing: How to Minister God’s Kingdom in the Power of the Spirit (6 teachings MP3 set)$7.99
Doing Healing: Six Dimensions of Healing (6 teachings MP3 set)$7.99
Doing Healing: Basic Equipping Course (6 teachings MP3 set)$7.99